1701006097..short case

 Hallticket no...1701006097

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome.

 I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of “patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan



71 years old male who is mason by occupation came to the hospital on 1st June 2022(1/06/22) with chief complaints 

- breathlessness since 20days

-cough since 20days

-fever since 4 days

Daily routine of the patient :

He is Mason by occupation since 30 years.Daily he used to wake up at 6:30 am and goes to work by 9 am and return home by 5 pm.He doesn't wear mask while working.He sleeps at 10 pm.

History of presenting illness:

Patient was apparently asymptotic 2months back then he developed breathlessness of grade-1  (MMRC) , insidious in onset & progressive type and cough (dry) for which he visited govt hospital and received medications , during this time the  symptoms are on& off 

From past 20days  —

**Breathlessness aggravated to grade 2 to 3 

Aggravated on exertion

Relieved on rest

Associated with wheezing

No orthopnea and PND

**he developed cough with expectoration

Mucoid in consistency

Non foul smelling 

Non blood stained

Aggravated during night time 

** fever since 4days 

which is low grade ,continuous in nature 

Not associated with chills and rigors

Evening rise of temperature is present 

Relieved on medications

History of past illness -

No history of similar complaints in the past 

No history of  TB , COVID 19 in the past

Not a known of diabetes , hypertension , CAD ,epilepsy

Personal history-


Appetite -decreased


Bowel movements-regular

Bladder movements-decreased flow of urine since 15days , associated with burning sensation

Addictions- smoking since 3years , 4 beedis per day

            Alcohol -toddy , 1bottle from age of 22years

       Stopped smoking and alcohol from 2months

Family history —

No similar complaints in the family

No history of  TB , diabetes, hypertension, cad,epilepsy

General examination-

Patient is conscious ,coherent , cooperative 

Thin built & moderately nourished


Temparature- 99 F

Pulse rate- 85 beats per minute

Respiratory rate- 20 cycles per minute

Blood pressure-120/80 mm Hg

Sp02-95% on room air

GRBS- 108 mg/dl

Pallor - absent



Cyanosis -absent

Lymphadopathy- absent


Systemic examination—

Respiratory system:


.Shape of chest-bilaterally symmetrical,elliptical
.Trachea- shift to right side
.Chest movements-decreased on right side
.No kyphosis and scoliosis
.No crowding of ribs
.No scars,sinuses,visible pulsations,engorged veins
.No drooping down of shoulders
.No supraclavicular and infraclavicular hollowing
.No intercoastal indrawing


.All inspectors findings are confirmed
.No local rise of temperature and tenderness
.Trachea-shift to right side
.Chest movements- decreased on right side
.Chest expansion-decreased on right side
.AP diameter-23 cm
.Transverse diameter-30cm
.hemithorax diameter on right side is less than that on left side
. Vocal Fremitus reduced on apical part of right side of chest


.Dull note heard on right upper part of chest


.Normal vesicular breathsounds heard
.Decreased breath sounds on right upper lobe 
.crepitations present on right mid axillary area
.vocal resonance reduced on right apical area

Cardiovascular system:

.S1 and S2 heard
.no mumurs


.Shape of the abdomen- scaphoid
.Hernial orifices- normal
.Soft,non tender,no organomegaly
.Bowel sounds- heard

Central nervous system :
.Speech- normal
.cranial nerves- normal
.Motor system- normal
.Sensory system- normal
.Gait- normal

Provisional diagnosis:

Right lung upperlobe fibrosis


           Complete blood picture:

Complete urine examination:


AFB culture:

No acid fast bacilli


2D echocardiogram :

No regional wall motion abnormality 
Ejection fraction :-67
Mild diastolic dysfunction present 




.Urea-31 mg/ dl
.Uric acid-3.1
.calcium- 10

.pO2 -68.3

.Needle thoracocentasis was done on 5 th June,2022.
.Under ultrasound guidance
.Fluid aspirated was 20 ml 
.Straw coloured

Final diagnosis-

Right lung upperlobe fibrosis

1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 102 bpm
RR-26 com
SpO2-90% on RA
           98% on 2 lit oxygen
Respiratory system examination-
Crepitations- right midaxillary area
Decreased breath sounds on right side upper lobe

1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5)Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 89 bpm
RR-26 com
SpO2-96% on RA
Respiratory system examination-
Crepitations- right midaxillary area
Decreased breath sounds on right side upper lobe

1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD
8)syp.Cremaffin-1ml HS


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 94 bpm
RR-14 com
SpO2-92% on RA
           96% on 2 litres oxygen
Respiratory system examination-

Bilateral air entry- present
No added sounds

1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD
8).syp.Cremaffin-1ml HS


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 90 bpm
RR-24 com
SpO2-96% on RA
Respiratory system examination-

Bilateral air entry- normal
No added sounds 


1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD
8).syp.Cremaffin-1ml HS
10).Inj.optineurin-1 ampule


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 88 bpm
SpO2-98% on RA
Respiratory system examination-

Bilateral air entry- normal
No added sounds 


1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation with Nasal prongs@2.4 lit/ min
7).Tab.Azee-500 mg OD
8).syp.Cremaffin-1ml HS
10).Inj.optineurin-1 ampule
11).Diclofenac patch


O/E - patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.
BP-120/80 mmHg
PR- 88 bpm
SpO2-98% on RA
Respiratory system examination-

Bilateral air entry- normal
No added sounds 


1).Inj.augmentin-1.2 gm IV TID
2).Inj.pantop-40 mg OD
3).Tab.paracetomol-650 mg BD
4).syp.Ascoril-2 Tbsp
5).Nebulization with .budecort-BD
6).oxygen inhalation at 2.4lit/min


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